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Yediot Ahronot Broadshit-01Design proposal for the front page of the newspaper | Yediot Ahronot Broadshit-02Design proposal for the paper's news page |
Yediot Ahronot Broadshit-03Design proposal for the paper's news page | Yediot Ahronot Broadshit-04Design proposal for the obituary page of the newspaper |
Yediot Ahronot Broadshit-05Design proposal for the back page of the newspaper | Yediot Ahronot PosterPoster for daily sheet |
Design proposal for:
Yediot Ahronot
Project that offers a new design concept for the Israeli daily newspaper Yediot Aharonot.
The project includes two cover pages - back and front, two news double-pages, obituaries double-page and poster publishes a daily edition.
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