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Very very nice surprise!

Last week was the Student Leadership awards at UARTS. I got the "Exchange Student of the Year" award. It was a very big and nice surprised for me but I didn't understand who knew me in school for suggesting me as a candidates for the award.

At first I didn't know what it is about... I thought it's going to be a small meeting to point out outstanding students at the academy, so I asked my friend Amit to come with me. It turns out that the ceremony was much bigger! It was in a big hall with beautiful decorations and countless desserts. I didn't new exactly what I was supposed to do. When I asked, they told me: "Enjoy the food and when they call your name, get up to accept the award".

"AWARD"?!?!?!? Like a trophy?!?!?!?!", I asked...

I felt a little embarrassed ... I thought that thay will want me to give a "thank you speech" like we see in ceremonies on TV and I had nothing prepared in advance ... especially in English!

At the end I saw that some of the students didn't say anything so I got up to accept the award and avoided elegantly from saying "thank you speech". I told my gratitude personally to the right people :)

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