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Amazing Opportunity

This week I had the amazing opportunity to take part in an exhibition at UARTS Philadelphia Gallery. The exhibition represents the relationship between the two art and design grate schools I have the privileged to go to: Bezalel (Israel, Jerusalem) and UARTS (USA, Philadelphia). The exhibition was a joint initiative of teacher from photography department at Bezalel named Gustavo and his friend Jordan from UARTS. After hearing the efforts made to establish this exhibition I wondered how thay did it. I believe it's all in good will to craete art and a major willpower to spread it. There is no greater power of loving what you do and realization of this exhibition proved it to me. The exhibition presents Gustavo's works and the exchage students from this year and last year projects from Bezalel, myself includad and my good friend Amit Kestenbaum who is with me right now in UARTS.

The project I chose to exhibit is my poster series about Jerusalem.

I felt right on this occasion to show the connection in my work to the place I grew up and my perception of life: living together in love, peace and respect, wich in Israel often not easy to find.

In the opening ceremony of the exhibition I found myself in a situation that was very new to me. I'm not in class anymore with students and teacher who can forgive my mistakes, I am facing a wide and diverse audience. Among the people were UARTS president and the Israeli Consul of Philadelphia.

The situation was not very easy and very stressful for me but I was very happy for the opportunity and I was proud to be part of the wonderful artists who present. Along the sense of fear I felt pride and happiness that I distributes what I have to say through my greatest love wich is creation.

I was asked to explain about my project (with no prior warning) in ENGLISH!!! It was the hardest part for me. I must admit that at that moment I wanted to hide behind a table. At tha end I think I presented my project with pride ... sure I had mistakes with language, but I have to start somewhere :)

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