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The break is equally important as the work

The "Met" Museum corridor wall in New York City.

This week I had a Spring Break. It was a grate opportunity for creating exciting new memories.

I decided to take a break from class work and go out to breath fresh air in new places.

My friends and I decided to travel to visit in New York City. We saw Time Square, Central Park and the "Met" museum. The visit was outstanding and very necessary.

Sometimes when we get to new places we are looking at new things just like a baby sees the world for the first time - everything is S-U-P-E-R exciting!

It took me a long time to realize that taking a break it's not less important then the time I spend in hard work.

Break time allows me to refresh my mind and to collect a new sources of inspiration that can solve/change a project that I'm working on in 180 degrees. Sometimes it is not necessary to change a project entirely, sometimes even destructive... But... When I do succeed, the results are spectacular and successful as I had never done before.

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