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The Grate Seriff of Notingham

The Sheriff of Notighm is actually created as part of Illustration Studio - character design exercise.

I find it hard to remake a character that has already been created in the past, especially the classic stories that we all grew up on, and we are all so fond of. Robin Hood was part of my childhood stories and I hav met the Sheriff character in books, films and Disney movies. To create a new concept art for character that I love so muchwas was difficult for me.

I wanted to create a new Sheriff that not exist yet, Sheriff that threatens the poor villagers of Nottingham not only by his actions but also with his appearance. Make the Sheriff a charecter that determines the course of the story.

Anyway, the Sheriff's construction process took quite a few sketches and various references combinations. My advice: take the time to build a good concept behind the character and even more time in the sketches stage. Both of these steps will add only good and quality to the character and will make it more complete.

The main references I used to creater the Sheriff were: medieval helmets, Fantasy illustration, Horror illustration, line style of the Disney's Hercules characters (Meg's dress and Hades flames).

The process is long and sometimes exhausting but very rewarding. It's like haveing a new baby :)

I had a grate time!

I recommend everyone to try.

See you next post :)

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